Ian Ellingham + Corinivm-Peregrini Media
Understanding Ugly explores the numerous and complex relationships between people and buildings - why a building might baffle or beguile. The long history of opinion about building configuration is combined with more recent, and often fascinating, research into human response, to produce sets of insights into how building design can be created so as to evoke a positive response from most people - most of the time. Written for both creators and managers of buildings, as well as the people who use and encounter buildings.
Reader comments:I finished reading your book and agree with you throughout, therefore it was brilliant! Also readable and clear.
Congratulations! I loved your side remark about how you must have missed the lecture on honesty being a criterion for a building’s attractiveness. That made your point most eloquently!
Comprehensive look at what makes buildings attractive or NOT in the eye of the beholder. Authors extensive, diverse and expert level knowledge of the built environment is key.
Will be enjoyed by anyone who is curious about the diverse appeal of a wide range of notable buildings around the world.
So interesting I will never look at architecture the same way again.
sier min lune gode venn og samarbeidspartner “Architecture is about people, and people are amusing.” (Comment on LinkedIn from a Norwegian reader)