Understanding Architecture + The Built Environment
People have many opinions about the buildings they encounter, but opportunities to express them and have them listened to are few. Here is an opportunity to comment on some building designs. We really are interested, and what we find out about people's preferences is assembled and used to inform people who create our buildings and cities. If you want to respond to a short survey, follow...THIS LINK TO SURVEY
SECONDLY: Our most recent article/post can be reached HERE
Understanding Architecture is a complex and sometimes curious activity, in part because the subject involves, many different disciplines: physics, structural and mechanical engineering, geotechnics, security systems, energy management, economics... One of the most complex, and fascinating, is the way buildings interact with people: their builders, their owners, their users - and the people who create them.
We seek to explore some of those areas through serious applied research, and provide some guidance to all those people who are involved with buildings and other forms of urban environment, so that we may all benefit from better built environments.
What might be strange to some people who have
become used to traditional ways of looking at architecture, is that these explorations try to be evidence-based and, to the extent possible, quantitative. We use the tools of mathematics, management, market research, psychology, and other disciplines to assist practitioners and policy-makers to make better decisions about the environments in which we live.
In keeping with this objective, numerous books and articles have been created, including most recently a book that explores the complex relationships between people and the visual aspects of buildings and urban spaces...

To purchase 'Understanding Ugly' (Corinivm-Peregrini Media Limited, 2020, ISBN: 9781999268015) Click here or Send us an e-mail ($24.95 Canadian plus shipping and taxes)
Other sites of interest include:
Niagara Society of Architects
The Right Angle Journal
Link to book 'Understanding Ugly' colour photos